BALA Construction Update Q3
12 November 2020
The principal contractor Impero accepted active possession of the site in early August and since this time have really hit the ground running.
- Disconnection of existing services and provision of Builder’s connections – Complete.
- Demolition and removal of all pre-existing structures from the site – Complete.
- Site Establishment and site security – Complete.
- Pouring of Crane Bay Footings and Installation of Tower Crane – Certified and Installed.
- Soil Classifications – Progressed and Ongoing.
- Bulk Excavation – Underway.
Bulk Excavation is proposed to be performed over an 8-10 week program. The contractor is approximately 3-4 weeks into the program having removed all soil materials and is progressing with the extraction and removal of the initial sandstone layers. Approximately 75-80% of Bala’s sub-surface is Hawkesbury Sandstone. The site has recently accepted delivery of larger machines, rock hammers and saws to assist the contractor with its work to remove sandstone carefully and effectively. Logistical management of the site is critical during this phase of the build particularly in terms of the relationships with nearby homeowners and business operators.
On the design front, the development secured Construction Certificate 1 during early September 2020 for in ground works and structure. The design team is working collectively to pull together the remaining design aspects to finalise documents in the next 3-4 weeks with Construction Certificate 2 Application to be sought shortly thereafter.
Where the weather stays kind, it is planned to have completed excavation and have poured concrete for the first two basements levels pre-Christmas. Stay tuned!