From February 14th 2021 our emails and website will change to @sunpropertygroup.com.au and www.sunpropertygroup.com.au.
了解更多The principal contractor Impero accepted active possession of the site in early August and since this time have really hit the ground running. - Disconnection of existing services and provision of Builder’s connections – Complete.
了解更多We are proud to announce our intention to become a public company during 2020. Our business has grown and evolved over the years. As part of the business growth we felt it was time for a refreshed brand to reflect who we are today and to symbolise our mission.
了解更多The Ashton Soil Turning Ceremony was held on 7th May, and we were grateful to have been joined by our development team and purchasers to mark the special occasion. Ashton Mosman is a development that the team at Sun Property are immensely proud of, and we are looking forward to being able to deliver another high quality development to Sydney’s affluent Lower North Shore.
了解更多我们非常欣喜地宣布,Mosman 高端公寓项目ASHTON 在今年5月及时开工建设。 ASHTON项目的开工仪式在5月7号举行,我们非常荣幸地邀请到项目的开发团队和部分买家一起参与并见证了这一重要时刻。
了解更多阳光地产集团在悉尼下北岸Lane Cove区打造的数百万澳币综合用途开发项目已经提交申请。 项目位于56-60 Burns Bay Road,计划拆除现有建筑,建设一座包含住宅、零售业及餐饮业在内的综合建筑,以满足当地居民不断增长的生活需求。
了解更多4月底,位于新洲著名学区Carlingford 中心位置的地标式高端精品公寓Eora终于完美交付。 拥有39套1、2、3房公寓的Eora,由悉尼知名设计团队Team 2 和 A+ Design Group设计,大型建筑团队 Growthbuilt 建设完成。
效果图 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove. Source a+ design group 2017.
我们无比兴奋地宣布,阳光地产集团在2017年末成功收购Lane Cove黄金地段开发地块。
我们无比激动地宣布EORA. Carlingford项目即将完美竣工。 在Carlingford打造出一个全新而独特的生活方式,让我们感到非常自豪。 我们确信您将在Carlingford享受到一个无与伦比的高品质的居住空间。
了解更多目前,在最终第三个建设阶段中,Carlingford 区域的高档公寓项目EORA已经开始呈现出它的魅力。 现在每天都有大约80人的建筑团队在现场繁忙施工,只为打造EORA更加明媚完美的居住空间。
了解更多Sun property acquired a new site in Neutral Bay recently.
了解更多在阳光地产,我们致力于创造更适合人居的居住空间和人文环境。 我们非常激动地恭贺近期完成的Paramount和Verona项目的所有买家,成为我们打造的完美居住空间的一份子。
了解更多Sun Property Group participated "Chinese-Western Family Office Round Table Forum - Oversea Family Capital Investment".
了解更多为庆祝澳洲阳光地产位于北悉尼North Point Tower的精致新总部正式启用,2017年2月2日,阳光地产举办盛大酒会,与主要合作伙伴齐聚北悉尼总部新址。